Source code for jupedsim.sqlite_serialization

# Copyright © 2012-2024 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

import sqlite3
from pathlib import Path

import shapely

from jupedsim.serialization import TrajectoryWriter
from jupedsim.simulation import Simulation

[docs]class SqliteTrajectoryWriter(TrajectoryWriter): """Write trajectory data into a sqlite db""" def __init__(self, *, output_file: Path, every_nth_frame: int = 4) -> None: """SqliteTrajectoryWriter constructor Args: output_file : pathlib.Path name of the output file. Note: the file will not be written until the first call to 'begin_writing' every_nth_frame: int indicates interval between writes, 1 means every frame, 5 every 5th Returns: SqliteTrajectoryWriter """ self._output_file = output_file if every_nth_frame < 1: raise TrajectoryWriter.Exception("'every_nth_frame' has to be > 0") self._every_nth_frame = every_nth_frame self._con = sqlite3.connect(self._output_file, isolation_level=None)
[docs] def begin_writing(self, simulation: Simulation) -> None: """Begin writing trajectory data. This method is intended to handle all data writing that has to be done once before the trajectory data can be written. E.g. Meta information such as framerate etc... """ fps = 1 / simulation.delta_time() / self._every_nth_frame geometry = simulation.get_geometry() geo = shapely.to_wkt( shapely.Polygon(geometry.boundary(), holes=geometry.holes()), rounding_precision=-1, ) cur = self._con.cursor() try: cur.execute("BEGIN") cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS trajectory_data") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE trajectory_data (" " frame INTEGER NOT NULL," " id INTEGER NOT NULL," " pos_x REAL NOT NULL," " pos_y REAL NOT NULL," " ori_x REAL NOT NULL," " ori_y REAL NOT NULL)" ) cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS metadata") cur.execute( "CREATE TABLE metadata(key TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT NOT NULL)" ) cur.executemany( "INSERT INTO metadata VALUES(?, ?)", (("version", "1"), ("fps", fps)), ) cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS geometry") cur.execute("CREATE TABLE geometry(wkt TEXT NOT NULL)") cur.execute("INSERT INTO geometry VALUES(?)", (geo,)) cur.execute( "CREATE INDEX frame_id_idx ON trajectory_data(frame, id)" ) cur.execute("COMMIT") except sqlite3.Error as e: cur.execute("ROLLBACK") raise TrajectoryWriter.Exception(f"Error creating database: {e}")
[docs] def write_iteration_state(self, simulation: Simulation) -> None: """Write trajectory data of one simulation iteration. This method is intended to handle serialization of the trajectory data of a single iteration. """ if not self._con: raise TrajectoryWriter.Exception("Database not opened.") iteration = simulation.iteration_count() if iteration % self.every_nth_frame() != 0: return frame = iteration / self.every_nth_frame() cur = self._con.cursor() try: cur.execute("BEGIN") frame_data = [ ( frame,, agent.position[0], agent.position[1], agent.orientation[0], agent.orientation[1], ) for agent in simulation.agents() ] cur.executemany( "INSERT INTO trajectory_data VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", frame_data, ) res = cur.execute( "SELECT MIN(pos_x), MAX(pos_x), MIN(pos_y), MAX(pos_y) FROM trajectory_data" ) xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = res.fetchone() old_xmin = self._x_min(cur) old_xmax = self._x_max(cur) old_ymin = self._y_min(cur) old_ymax = self._y_max(cur) cur.executemany( "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO metadata(key, value) VALUES(?,?)", [ ("xmin", str(min(xmin, float(old_xmin)))), ("xmax", str(max(xmax, float(old_xmax)))), ("ymin", str(min(ymin, float(old_ymin)))), ("ymax", str(max(ymax, float(old_ymax)))), ], ) cur.execute("COMMIT") except sqlite3.Error as e: cur.execute("ROLLBACK") raise TrajectoryWriter.Exception(f"Error writing to database: {e}")
[docs] def every_nth_frame(self) -> int: return self._every_nth_frame
[docs] def connection(self) -> sqlite3.Connection: return self._con
def _value_or_default(self, cur, key, default: float | int | str): res = cur.execute( "SELECT value FROM metadata WHERE key = ?", (key,) ).fetchone() if res is None: return default else: text = res[0] return type(default)(text) def _x_min(self, cur): return self._value_or_default(cur, "xmin", float("inf")) def _x_max(self, cur): return self._value_or_default(cur, "xmax", float("-inf")) def _y_min(self, cur): return self._value_or_default(cur, "ymin", float("inf")) def _y_max(self, cur): return self._value_or_default(cur, "ymax", float("-inf"))