Source code for jupedsim.models

# Copyright © 2012-2024 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later

from dataclasses import dataclass

import jupedsim.native as py_jps

[docs]class CollisionFreeSpeedModel: """Collision Free Speed Model A general description of the Collision Free Speed Model can be found in the originating publication A more detailed description can be found at All attributes are initialized with reasonably good defaults. Attributes: strength_neighbor_repulsion: Strength of the repulsion from neighbors range_neighbor_repulsion: Range of the repulsion from neighbors strength_geometry_repulsion: Strength of the repulsion from geometry boundaries range_geometry_repulsion: Range of the repulsion from geometry boundaries """
[docs] strength_neighbor_repulsion: float = 8.0
[docs] range_neighbor_repulsion: float = 0.1
[docs] strength_geometry_repulsion: float = 5.0
[docs] range_geometry_repulsion: float = 0.02
[docs]class CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2: """Collision Free Speed Model V2 This is a variation of the Collision Free Speed Model where geometry and neighbor repulsion are individual agent parameters instead of global parameters. A general description of the Collision Free Speed Model can be found in the originating publication A more detailed description can be found at """ pass
[docs]class GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModel: """Parameters for Generalized Centrifugal Force Model .. warning:: Unfortunately we broke the model before the 1.0 release and did not notice it in time. For the time being please do not use this model. We track the defect here: All attributes are initialized with reasonably good defaults. Attributes: strength_neighbor_repulsion: Strength of the repulsion from neighbors strength_geometry_repulsion: Strength of the repulsion from geometry boundaries max_neighbor_interaction_distance: cut-off-radius for ped-ped repulsion (r_c in FIG. 7) max_geometry_interaction_distance: cut-off-radius for ped-wall repulsion (r_c in FIG. 7) max_neighbor_interpolation_distance: distance of interpolation of repulsive force for ped-ped interaction (r_eps in FIG. 7) max_geometry_interpolation_distance: distance of interpolation of repulsive force for ped-wall interaction (r_eps in FIG. 7) max_neighbor_repulsion_force: maximum of the repulsion force for ped-ped interaction by contact of ellipses (f_m in FIG. 7) max_geometry_repulsion_force: maximum of the repulsion force for ped-wall interaction by contact of ellipses (f_m in FIG. 7) """
[docs] strength_neighbor_repulsion: float = 0.3
[docs] strength_geometry_repulsion: float = 0.2
[docs] max_neighbor_interaction_distance: float = 2
[docs] max_geometry_interaction_distance: float = 2
[docs] max_neighbor_interpolation_distance: float = 0.1
[docs] max_geometry_interpolation_distance: float = 0.1
[docs] max_neighbor_repulsion_force: float = 3
[docs] max_geometry_repulsion_force: float = 3
[docs]class GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelAgentParameters: """ Parameters required to create an Agent in the Generalized Centrifugal Force Model. See the scientific publication for more details about this model .. note:: Instances of this type are copied when creating the agent, you can safely create one instance of this type and modify it between calls to `add_agent` E.g.: .. code:: python positions = [...] # List of initial agent positions params = GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelAgentParameters(speed=0.9) # all agents are slower for p in positions: params.position = p sim.add_agent(params) Attributes: speed: Speed of the agent. e0: Desired direction of the agent. position: Position of the agent. orientation: Orientation of the agent. journey_id: Id of the journey the agent follows. stage_id: Id of the stage the agent targets. mass: Mass of the agent. tau: Time constant that describes how fast the agent accelerates to its desired speed (v0). v0: Maximum speed of the agent. a_v: Stretch of the ellipsis semi-axis along the movement vector. a_min: Minimum length of the ellipsis semi-axis along the movement vector. b_min: Minimum length of the ellipsis semi-axis orthogonal to the movement vector. b_max: Maximum length of the ellipsis semi-axis orthogonal to the movement vector. """
[docs] speed: float = 0.0
[docs] e0: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0)
[docs] position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0)
[docs] orientation: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0)
[docs] journey_id: int = -1
[docs] stage_id: int = -1
[docs] mass: float = 1
[docs] tau: float = 0.5
[docs] v0: float = 1.2
[docs] a_v: float = 1
[docs] a_min: float = 0.2
[docs] b_min: float = 0.2
[docs] b_max: float = 0.4
def as_native( self, ) -> py_jps.GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelAgentParameters: return py_jps.GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelAgentParameters( speed=self.speed, e0=self.e0, position=self.position, orientation=self.orientation, journey_id=self.journey_id, stage_id=self.stage_id, mass=self.mass, tau=self.tau, v0=self.v0, a_v=self.a_v, a_min=self.a_min, b_min=self.b_min, b_max=self.b_max, )
[docs]class CollisionFreeSpeedModelAgentParameters: """ Agent parameters for Collision Free Speed Model. See the scientific publication for more details about this model .. note:: Instances of this type are copied when creating the agent, you can safely create one instance of this type and modify it between calls to `add_agent` E.g.: .. code:: python positions = [...] # List of initial agent positions params = CollisionFreeSpeedModelAgentParameters(v0=0.9) # all agents are slower for p in positions: params.position = p sim.add_agent(params) Attributes: position: Position of the agent. time_gap: Time constant that describe how fast pedestrian close gaps. v0: Maximum speed of the agent. radius: Radius of the agent. journey_id: Id of the journey the agent follows. stage_id: Id of the stage the agent targets. """
[docs] position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0)
[docs] time_gap: float = 1.0
[docs] v0: float = 1.2
[docs] radius: float = 0.2
[docs] journey_id: int = 0
[docs] stage_id: int = 0
def as_native(self) -> py_jps.CollisionFreeSpeedModelAgentParameters: return py_jps.CollisionFreeSpeedModelAgentParameters( position=self.position, time_gap=self.time_gap, v0=self.v0, radius=self.radius, journey_id=self.journey_id, stage_id=self.stage_id, )
[docs]class CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2AgentParameters: """ Agent parameters for Collision Free Speed Model V2. See the scientific publication for more details about this model .. note:: Instances of this type are copied when creating the agent, you can safely create one instance of this type and modify it between calls to `add_agent` E.g.: .. code:: python positions = [...] # List of initial agent positions params = CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2AgentParameters(v0=0.9) # all agents are slower for p in positions: params.position = p sim.add_agent(params) Attributes: position: Position of the agent. time_gap: Time constant that describe how fast pedestrian close gaps. v0: Maximum speed of the agent. radius: Radius of the agent. journey_id: Id of the journey the agent follows. stage_id: Id of the stage the agent targets. strength_neighbor_repulsion: Strength of the repulsion from neighbors range_neighbor_repulsion: Range of the repulsion from neighbors strength_geometry_repulsion: Strength of the repulsion from geometry boundaries range_geometry_repulsion: Range of the repulsion from geometry boundaries """
[docs] position: tuple[float, float] = (0.0, 0.0)
[docs] time_gap: float = 1.0
[docs] v0: float = 1.2
[docs] radius: float = 0.2
[docs] journey_id: int = 0
[docs] stage_id: int = 0
[docs] strength_neighbor_repulsion: float = 8.0
[docs] range_neighbor_repulsion: float = 0.1
[docs] strength_geometry_repulsion: float = 5.0
[docs] range_geometry_repulsion: float = 0.02
def as_native( self, ) -> py_jps.CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2AgentParameters: return py_jps.CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2AgentParameters( position=self.position, time_gap=self.time_gap, v0=self.v0, radius=self.radius, journey_id=self.journey_id, stage_id=self.stage_id, strength_neighbor_repulsion=self.strength_neighbor_repulsion, range_neighbor_repulsion=self.range_neighbor_repulsion, strength_geometry_repulsion=self.strength_geometry_repulsion, range_geometry_repulsion=self.range_geometry_repulsion, )
[docs]class GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelState: def __init__(self, backing) -> None: self._obj = backing @property
[docs] def speed(self) -> float: """Speed of this agent.""" return self._obj.speed
@speed.setter def speed(self, speed): self._obj.speed = speed @property
[docs] def e0(self) -> tuple[float, float]: """Desired direction of this agent.""" return self._obj.e0
@e0.setter def e0(self, e0): self._obj.e0 = e0 @property
[docs] def tau(self) -> float: return self._obj.tau
@tau.setter def tau(self, tau): self._obj.tau = tau @property
[docs] def v0(self) -> float: """Maximum speed of this agent.""" return self._obj.v0
@v0.setter def v0(self, v0): self._obj.v0 = v0 @property
[docs] def a_v(self) -> float: """Stretch of the ellipsis semi-axis along the movement vector.""" return self._obj.a_v
@a_v.setter def a_v(self, a_v): self._obj.a_v = a_v @property
[docs] def a_min(self) -> float: """Minimum length of the ellipsis semi-axis along the movement vector.""" return self._obj.a_min
@a_min.setter def a_min(self, a_min): self._obj.a_min = a_min @property
[docs] def b_min(self) -> float: """Minimum length of the ellipsis semi-axis orthogonal to the movement vector.""" return self._obj.b_min
@b_min.setter def b_min(self, b_min): self._obj.b_min = b_min @property
[docs] def b_max(self) -> float: """Maximum length of the ellipsis semi-axis orthogonal to the movement vector.""" return self._obj.b_max
@b_max.setter def b_max(self, b_max): self._obj.b_max = b_max
[docs]class CollisionFreeSpeedModelState: def __init__(self, backing): self._obj = backing @property
[docs] def time_gap(self) -> float: return self._obj.time_gap
@time_gap.setter def time_gap(self, time_gap): self._obj.time_gap = time_gap @property
[docs] def v0(self) -> float: """Maximum speed of this agent.""" return self._obj.v0
@v0.setter def v0(self, v0): self._obj.v0 = v0 @property
[docs] def radius(self) -> float: """Radius of this agent.""" return self._obj.radius
@radius.setter def radius(self, radius): self._obj.radius = radius
[docs]class CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2State: def __init__(self, backing): self._obj = backing @property
[docs] def time_gap(self) -> float: return self._obj.time_gap
@time_gap.setter def time_gap(self, time_gap): self._obj.time_gap = time_gap @property
[docs] def v0(self) -> float: """Maximum speed of this agent.""" return self._obj.v0
@v0.setter def v0(self, v0): self._obj.v0 = v0 @property
[docs] def radius(self) -> float: """Radius of this agent.""" return self._obj.radius
@radius.setter def radius(self, radius): self._obj.radius = radius @property
[docs] def strength_neighbor_repulsion(self) -> float: """Strength of the repulsion from neighbors of this agent.""" return self._obj.strength_neighbor_repulsion
@strength_neighbor_repulsion.setter def strength_neighbor_repulsion(self, strength_neighbor_repulsion): self._obj.strength_neighbor_repulsion = strength_neighbor_repulsion @property
[docs] def range_neighbor_repulsion(self) -> float: """Range of the repulsion from neighbors of this agent.""" return self._obj.range_neighbor_repulsion
@range_neighbor_repulsion.setter def range_neighbor_repulsion(self, range_neighbor_repulsion): self._obj.range_neighbor_repulsion = range_neighbor_repulsion @property
[docs] def strength_geometry_repulsion(self) -> float: """Strength of the repulsion from geometry boundaries of this agent.""" return self._obj.strength_geometry_repulsion
@strength_geometry_repulsion.setter def strength_geometry_repulsion(self, strength_geometry_repulsion): self._obj.strength_geometry_repulsion = strength_geometry_repulsion @property
[docs] def range_geometry_repulsion(self) -> float: """Range of the repulsion from geometry boundaries of this agent.""" return self._obj.range_geometry_repulsion
@range_geometry_repulsion.setter def range_geometry_repulsion(self, range_geometry_repulsion): self._obj.range_geometry_repulsion = range_geometry_repulsion