Module Contents#
- class Simulation(*, model: jupedsim.models.CollisionFreeSpeedModel | jupedsim.models.GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModel | jupedsim.models.CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2, geometry: str | shapely.GeometryCollection | shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | shapely.MultiPoint | list[tuple[float, float]], dt: float = 0.01, trajectory_writer: jupedsim.serialization.TrajectoryWriter | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]#
Defines a simulation of pedestrian movement over a continuous walkable area.
Movement of agents is described with Journeys, Stages and Transitions. Agents can be added and removed at will. The simulation processes one step at a time. No automatic stop condition exists. You can simulate multiple disconnected walkable areas by instantiating multiple instances of simulation.
Creates a Simulation.
- Parameters:
model (CollisionFreeSpeedModel | GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModel | CollisionFreeSpeedModelv2) – Defines the operational model used in the simulation.
geometry (str | shapely.GeometryCollection | shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | shapely.MultiPoint | list[tuple[float, float]]) –
Data to create the geometry out of. Data may be supplied as:
list of 2d points describing the outer boundary, holes may be added with use of excluded_areas kw-argument
consisting only out ofPolygons
forming a “simple” polygon when points are interpreted as linear ring without repetition of the start/end point.str with a valid Well Known Text. In this format the same WKT types as mentioned for the shapely types are supported: GEOMETRYCOLLETION, MULTIPOLYGON, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT. The same restrictions as mentioned for the shapely types apply.
dt (float) – Iteration step size in seconds. It is recommended to leave this at its default value.
trajectory_writer (jupedsim.serialization.TrajectoryWriter | None) – Any object implementing the TrajectoryWriter interface. JuPedSim provides a writer that outputs trajectory data in a sqlite database. If you want other formats such as CSV you need to provide your own custom implementation.
kwargs (Any) –
- Keyword Arguments:
excluded_areas – describes exclusions from the walkable area. Only use this argument if geometry was provided as list[tuple[float, float]].
- add_waypoint_stage(position: tuple[float, float], distance) int [source]#
Add a new waypoint stage to this simulation.
- add_queue_stage(positions: list[tuple[float, float]]) int [source]#
Add a new queue state to this simulation.
- add_waiting_set_stage(positions: list[tuple[float, float]]) int [source]#
Add a new waiting set stage to this simulation.
- Parameters:
positions (list[tuple[float, float]]) – Ordered list of the waiting points of this waiting set. The agents will fill the waiting points in the given order. If more agents are targeting the waiting, the remaining will wait at the last given point.
- Returns:
Id of the new stage.
- Return type:
- add_exit_stage(polygon: str | shapely.GeometryCollection | shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | shapely.MultiPoint | list[tuple[float, float]]) int [source]#
Add an exit stage to the simulation.
- Parameters:
polygon (str | shapely.GeometryCollection | shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | shapely.MultiPoint | list[tuple[float, float]]) –
Polygon without holes representing the exit stage. Polygon can be passed as:
list of 2d points describing the outer boundary
consisting only out ofPolygons
forming a “simple” polygon when points are interpreted as linear ring without repetition of the start/end point.str with a valid Well Known Text. In this format the same WKT types as mentioned for the shapely types are supported: GEOMETRYCOLLETION, MULTIPOLYGON, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT. The same restrictions as mentioned for the shapely types apply.
- Returns:
Id of the added exit stage.
- Return type:
- add_journey(journey: jupedsim.journey.JourneyDescription) int [source]#
Add a journey to the simulation.
- Parameters:
journey (jupedsim.journey.JourneyDescription) – Description of the journey.
- Returns:
Id of the added Journey.
- Return type:
- add_agent(parameters: jupedsim.models.GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelAgentParameters | jupedsim.models.CollisionFreeSpeedModelAgentParameters | jupedsim.models.CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2AgentParameters) int [source]#
Add an agent to the simulation.
- Parameters:
parameters (jupedsim.models.GeneralizedCentrifugalForceModelAgentParameters | jupedsim.models.CollisionFreeSpeedModelAgentParameters | jupedsim.models.CollisionFreeSpeedModelV2AgentParameters) – Agent Parameters of the newly added model. The parameters have to match the model used in this simulation. When adding agents with invalid parameters, or too close to the boundary or other agents, this will cause an error.
- Returns:
Id of the added agent.
- Return type:
- mark_agent_for_removal(agent_id: int) bool [source]#
Marks an agent for removal.
Marks the given agent for removal in the simulation. The agent will be removed from the simulation in the start of the next
call. The removal will take place before any interaction between agents will be computed.
- removed_agents() list[int] [source]#
All agents (given by Id) removed in the last iteration.
All agents removed from the simulation since the last call of
. These agents are can no longer be accessed.
- iterate(count: int = 1) None [source]#
Advance the simulation by the given number of iterations.
- Parameters:
count (int) – Number of iterations to advance
- Return type:
- switch_agent_journey(agent_id: int, journey_id: int, stage_id: int) None [source]#
Switch agent to the given journey at the given stage.
- agent_count() int [source]#
Number of agents in the simulation.
- Returns:
Number of agents in the simulation.
- Return type:
- elapsed_time() float [source]#
Elapsed time in seconds since the start of the simulation.
- Returns:
Time in seconds since the start of the simulation.
- Return type:
- delta_time() float [source]#
Time step length in seconds of one iteration.
- Returns:
Time step length of one iteration.
- Return type:
- iteration_count() int [source]#
Number of iterations performed since start of the simulation.
- Returns:
Number of iterations performed.
- Return type:
- agents() Iterable[jupedsim.agent.Agent] [source]#
Agents in the simulation.
- Returns:
Iterator over all agents in the simulation.
- Return type:
- agent(agent_id) jupedsim.agent.Agent [source]#
Access specific agent in the simulation.
- Parameters:
agent_id – Id of the agent to access
- Returns:
Agent instance
- Return type:
- agents_in_range(pos: tuple[float, float], distance: float) list[jupedsim.agent.Agent] [source]#
Agents within the given distance to the given position.
- agents_in_polygon(poly: str | shapely.GeometryCollection | shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | shapely.MultiPoint | list[tuple[float, float]]) list[jupedsim.agent.Agent] [source]#
Return all agents inside the given polygon.
- Parameters:
poly (str | shapely.GeometryCollection | shapely.Polygon | shapely.MultiPolygon | shapely.MultiPoint | list[tuple[float, float]]) –
Polygon without holes in which to check for pedestrians. Polygon can be passed as:
list of 2d points describing the outer boundary
consisting only out ofPolygons
forming a “simple” polygon when points are interpreted as linear ring without repetition of the start/end point.str with a valid Well Known Text. In this format the same WKT types as mentioned for the shapely types are supported: GEOMETRYCOLLETION, MULTIPOLYGON, POLYGON, MULTIPOINT. The same restrictions as mentioned for the shapely types apply.
- Returns:
All agents inside given polygon.
- Return type:
- get_stage(stage_id: int)[source]#
Specific stage in the simulation.
- Parameters:
stage_id (int) – Id of the stage to retrieve.
- Returns:
The stage object.
- get_last_trace() jupedsim.tracing.Trace [source]#
- Return type:
- get_geometry() jupedsim.geometry.Geometry [source]#
Current geometry of the simulation.
- Returns:
The geometry of the simulation.
- Return type:
- switch_geometry(geometry: jupedsim.geometry.Geometry) None [source]#
Switch the geometry of the simulation.
Exchanges the current geometry with the new one. Checks if all agents and stages lie within the new geometry.
- Parameters:
geometry (jupedsim.geometry.Geometry) – The new geometry to be used in the simulation.
- Return type: